Tag Archive for: Retreats

Your Ritambhara Mind Dissolves

Tasyapi nirodhe sarva nirodhan nirbijah
“When your Ritambhara mind dissolves its
final desire of all of this is me, then it
frees Divine Consciousness
to expand into Asamprajnata Samadhi
of desirelessness. When practiced
ceaselessly, this becomes Nirbija
free from the seeds of all

– From Samadhi Pada (I)
of Yogiraj Siddhanath’s book, “Yoga Patanjal”

New Life Awakening Retreats: Peace in a Stressful World with Kriya Yoga?

Dear Friends,

New Life Awakening Retreats: Peace in a Stressful World with Kriya Yoga. Life can often feel overwhelming. The constant demands and pressures can leave us feeling anxious and stressed, making it difficult to find peace in our day-to-day existence.

Are you caught in an endless cycle of doing and achieving, always pushing forward, yet feeling a growing sense of unease within? Understandably stress is something we all face, and it can take a toll on our physical and mental well-being.

? Now imagine releasing all that built-up stress and stepping into a state of inner peace.  Emphatically, there is a way to find stillness amid the chaos. Here’s what one of our retreat attendees shared about their experience:

“When I go to retreats with Gurunath, it’s like a million spa retreats at once. The amount of stress that leaves my body and mind while in His presence… It’s like I’m floating by the time I leave. It’s like filling my inner cup so that I’m ready to face the world again.” —Retreat Attendee, Mount Shasta 2023

Kriya Yoga is a simple but profound technique that can help you navigate through the stresses of life.  By learning and practicing Kriya Yoga, you can achieve a state of complete tranquility and balance, allowing you to more than handle life’s challenges with grace and calm.

Straightaway, we invite you to join Gurunath and experience the transformative power of Kriya Yoga and His presence ✨

Mount Shasta, CA June 26-30 | Oxnard, CA July 25-28 | Niagara Falls, NY Sept 5-8

Take advantage of early bird savings Oxnard by June 1 and Niagara byJuly 7

?All US Retreats Register on EventBrite here ⬇️⬇️⬇️

With love and compassion,

The Seva Team for Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath


Registration is open for all U.S. retreats! To reserve your spot and get the early bird discount, register now at the links below!

Shasta Expanded Benefactors Life and Livingness Retreat
Wednesday, June 26 – Sunday, June 30
Mt. Shasta Life and Livingness Retreat
Friday, June 28 – Sunday, June 30

SoCal Benefactor- Alchemical Surya Adventure Celebration! (Oxnard, California)
Thursday, July 25 – Sunday, July 28
SoCal Retreat- Shivapat Surya Beach Celebration! (Oxnard, California)
Friday, July 26 – Sunday, July 28

East Coast Benefactors Life and Livingness Retreat (Niagara Falls, New York)
Thursday, September 5 – Sunday, September 8
East Coast Life and Livingness Retreat (Niagara Falls, New York)
Friday, September 6 – Sunday, September 8
Niagara Falls Kundalini Kriya Yoga Empowerment Evening Session (Niagara Falls, New York)
Friday, September 6 at  7:30pm – 11pm EDT

Help share the life-changing experience of being in the Presence!
Bonus 1: Receive 25% off 1 general retreat ticket for any person who refers 2 new attendees who have not participated in prior retreats. If you wish to avail of this discount, please email us at usaretreats@vps105180.inmotionhosting.com with your referrals.
Bonus 2: Win a $108 gift card! See below for our Tag-To-Win Contest details.

With SatGurunath, Again, At Last!
Shivranjan Yoga Atmanaar
2024 Mt. Shasta Life and Livingness Retreat
2024 East Coast Life and Livingness Retreat (Niagara Falls, New York)
2024 East Coast Benefactors Life and Livingness Retreat (Niagara Falls, NY)

The Kundalini Shakti Energy

Yogiraj Siddhanath developed seven unique yogic techniques of Shakti designed for spiritual evolution and healing. These techniques cater to both the True Self (Soul) and the Apparent Self (Body) and are primarily taught at our New Life Awakening Retreats. Check our schedule to find out when the next retreat is happening in your area.Shakti Healing

Shakti, which stands for “Siddhanath Healing and Kundalini Transmission In-depth,” is an inner journey that awakens Kundalini Energy and cleanses the chakras. This transformative practice rejuvenates the body and connects you to the ultimate source of healing. Siddhanath provides special breathing techniques (kumbhaks) and visualizations to enhance this evolutionary process. The practice also includes powerful mantras and hands-on techniques for chakra surgery and aligning with a higher consciousness.

Siddhanath Samadhi Yoga

Known as the way of the White Swan, this technique, developed by Yogiraj Siddhanath, leads to natural enlightenment by uniting breath and mind. Through natural breathing meditation, practitioners gradually achieve Sahaj Samadhi, a state of effortless meditation.

Ojasviya Meditation

This dynamic process, called Kayakalpa, transforms vital fluid in the body, reversing the aging process by converting sexual energy into spiritual energy. This alchemical transformation expels disease, decay, and death.

Advanced Omkar Meditation

The resonant frequency of the birthing hum of creation evolves consciousness and heals maladies. This meditation teaches the appropriate mantras and seed sounds to solve personal issues and achieve Shakti Healing Enlightenment.

Earth Peace Meditations

These inclusive practices complement all faiths and are suitable for people of all ages and backgrounds. They foster a sense of sharing and caring for humanity and are practiced every full moon.

Hamsa Asanas

This yoga focuses on postural integration, pairing each posture with the Hamsa breath. Enjoyable and rejuvenating, Hamsa Asanas bring vitality and help maintain ease and order in daily life.

GOD Healings 1, 2 & 3

  1. Gurunath Oath-Proth Dhayana
  2. Gurunath Ojasviya Dhanaya
  3. Gurunath Omkar Dhayana

These advanced healing practices offer profound spiritual benefits, integrating teachings from Gurunath.