Rainbow Blessings at the Spectacular Niagara Retreat

By Kelly Rice – Southern California Devotee – 2017

This year’s Northeast retreat in New York was spectacular! The venue was situated on Grand Island directly on the bank of the Niagara River that flows down to Niagara Falls. All of the retreat attendees had east facing rooms overlooking the river so we were able to greet Surya each morning from the balcony of our rooms. Surya practice sessions were held on the grassy lawn by the riverbank with the sun coming up over the trees and the birds singing in the nearby trees. The well-fed squirrels joined us and stayed nearby hoping for a treat. Yogiraj blessed all the retreat attendees with his powerful transmission and an especially enlightening satsang on the “Molecular Mind”.

The Benefactor retreat attendees reaped the reward of a smaller group experience and were graced with the Alchemical Tea and a wonderful spiritual experience only given by Yogiraj. The group took an outing with Yogiraj to see the American side of Niagara Falls on the “Maid of the Mist”. We saw the American Falls with numerous rainbows and one full rainbow which seemed to fall at Yogiraj’s feet. The boat went so close to the horseshoe-shaped Bridal Veil Falls that everyone got thoroughly re-energized by the raining mist from the falls. The experience was one of a kind and it was a true blessing to be able to attend this retreat.

Yogiraj will be back in Europe, the U.S. and Canada in the spring and summer of 2019! You can join him now at events in India! Learn more at our Siddhanath Events Page.

humble HAMSA: a Disciple’s Poem

Dedicated to Yogiraj Satgurunath Siddhanath

By Ronald Paul Wiskup II – Devotee – 2017

The Hamsa lives in the higher mind
Within each of us,
The ones whom sought and will find

Ascending Mt. Meru
Piercing the Wheels of Light
Revealing the Universe in You

Septenary and serpentine
Seeking the seventh heaven
Within the cosmic dream

Secreting secrets with laborious effort in the laboratory of self
Being the experi-mente, the experiencer of mind
Knowing thy true self
Watching Maya’s illusions subside

Holding the Key of Life ☥
Balancing the day and the night
Ha-Tha Yog brings forth the lightless light

Swimming in Brahman
Amrita’s fountain of youthful delight
Becoming the immortal rainbow
The Hu-Man (God-Mind) birthright

Breathing the Ham-Sa
Nature’s pranic dew
To be still and know I am one with you.

© Ronald Paul Wiskup II,  August 16, 2017

Join Yogiraj and our spiritual family at an upcoming New Life Awakening Retreat. Learn more at our Events Page.

The Hamsanet with Yogiraj at Carlsbad

By Michelle Rosenaur – Northern California Devotee – 2017

As a  birthday present to myself, I signed up for the New Life Awakening Benefactors Retreat in Carlsbad, California. I hadn’t attended a benefactors retreat in a couple of years and was longing to attend one again.

Our benefactors retreat started on a Thursday afternoon and lasted until late Friday afternoon, after which we joined the New Life Awakening Retreat. At one point, Yogiraj came down from the stage and sat down on the floor with us. As there were only twelve of us benefactors, it was a very intimate circle. Like a father reading to his children, he read us a passage from his autobiography, “Wings to Freedom.”  

The passage describes the Hamsanet, Yogiraj’s mission and work. The Hamsanet is a network of rainbow light and breath that Yogiraj has developed, which connects all sincere seekers of truth on Earth. The purpose of this spiritual network is to allow people to experience a unified Consciousness where at the level of Soul Consciousness, humanity is one. Yogiraj initiates this experience when he enters into unified Consciousness (unmani avastha).  Then by connecting to the seekers through their navel, heart and third eye centers, he  transmutes their minds into a higher state of consciousness. By this process, Yogiraj and the seekers who are in tune with him create Earth peace.

One of my favorite parts of the general retreat was when Yogiraj led us into a meditation where we rocked our bodies slightly left and right. He said the apparent self is the self that we felt when making the rocking motion. He encouraged us to discover the permanent Self which lies behind the apparent self.

Join Yogiraj and our spiritual family at an upcoming New Life Awakening Retreat. Learn more at our U.S. Events Page.

Mount Shasta: the American Mount Kailash

By Sterling Wilson – Southern California Devotee – 2017

Mount Shasta is the retreat to go to.

Mount Shasta is in Northern California, almost at the Oregon border.  I got a bit dizzy while at a rest stop looking at a state map on my first trip there from Southern California.  That’s how far North we are!?  Nevertheless, a three-day weekend retreat with Himalayan Master Yogiraj at this mountain is a must.  He often refers to it as the American Mount Kailash, which is perhaps the holiest mountain in the Himalayas.  It is interesting to note that the native Americans refer to Shasta as Adi-Nar, which is very similar to one of the Sanskrit names for Lord Shiva: Adi-Nath.

The retreat is a weekend of freeing our minds.  The mind, the root source of all disease, loses its iron grip.  Healing and sweet, deep consciousness fill the void.   That is the essence of any time spent with Yogiraj.

After years of retreats, I easily fall into the rhythm. During the satsang question-and-answer sessions, his answers are sometimes heavy with authority. The next moment they are playful and teasing; spontaneous discourses into the ancient lore of India, yogic healing transmissions, chanting and community.

When Yogiraj  entered the meditation hall at the start of last year’s retreat, my mood somehow lightened, erasing my two-day journey North. There were about twenty new people sitting up front and he wanted to make sure they felt comfortable and accepted.  Old timers, such as myself, left unchecked can hog the question-and-answer sessions.  Yogiraj caught us in the act and gave special attention to the newbies.

Saturday’s big event was the outdoor meditation on Mt. Shasta at an open field called “Sand Flat”.  Yogiraj came and then we spread out across the whole field and forest for meditation.  He took us with him as he sat in meditation, going into deeper levels of consciousness.  The Guru is like a benevolent black hole, sucking all negativity into its void.

The bees and flies were buzzing and the late morning sun beat down.  Nevertheless, we remained in meditation, or something that at least looked like it.  Afterwards Yogiraj called us together and told us that he had taken us into Nirvikalpa Samadhi, the deepest layer of mindlessness.

Before breaking up, Yogiraj suggested eating something sweet and something a little spicy with lunch: “With the sweet and spicy the healing will take place.”  As we laughed, he laughed about what an easy Guru he is.  I recall years ago that he said, “One must only look for the most spoiled disciples and know that they are mine.”

Did I mention that Mount Shasta is the retreat to go to?

You can join Yogiraj and our spiritual family this summer at Mount Shasta. Learn more at our U.S. Events Page.

Martial Spirit (Martial: Latin martialis, from Mars)

By Ronald Paul Wiskup II

Satgurunath Yogiraj Siddhanath refers to the ego as the anti-Christ which wants to end the Christ within. I know of no more profound truth that necessitates the cultivation and application of spiritual warriorship. Shiva Puranam speaks of the intensity of Lord Shiva’s trance atop Mt. Kailash which caused drops of perspiration (Latin from per- ‘through’ + spirare ‘breathe) to rain upon mother earth, providing birth to the divine child, Bhaum (Mars). Yogiraj has revealed that we can accelerate our spiritual evolution by the factor of intensity. Thus through the precipitation of perseverance, we can kindle the flame of martial spirit within and incinerate the stain of ego.

I find it noteworthy that since meeting Yogiraj and being initiated into Kundalini Kriya Yoga, I have since returned to the practice of martial arts. My first foray into the study of Ninjutsu began as a teenager before I left for military service. Training in the garage and backyard of my buyu (martial friend) as we practiced the ways of the Bujinkan (Hall of the Divine Warrior) and the teachings of Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi sensei, the 34th grandmaster or soke of Bujinkan Budo/Ninpo Taijutsu.

Whilst many in this pursuit find higher precepts through the fighting arts, I first sought the spiritual mysteries and was reminded of its martial roots during a particularly volatile time in my Kriya practice.  This playing out of fate would eventually place my throat beneath the sword and demand of me a commitment. When I had returned home from the Air Force, I re-connected with my friend who was now a 4th Dan rank in the Bujinkan and picked up training a second time. However, this didn’t last. I was soon immersed in myriad worldly diversions and my training faded away. There was no advancement.

Marshalled by the ethereal force of Satgurunath Yogiraj Siddhanath’s poetry, I would eventually come to know him as my master several years later. The sound frequencies he emitted so eloquently resonated within me and awoke my heart. Sealed by my decision to see him in person, the universe conspired for me to attend the 2015 New Life Awakening Retreat in the Catskill Mountains. Since being in his physical presence, I continued to make efforts towards more profound practice sessions. Then, this past December I had an urge to reach out again to my friend in the Bujinkan. As the façade of the outer world began to peel off, I was struggling to maintain any kind of footing in everyday life. Next thing I know, I was flat on my back against the dojo asana with a cold metal sword protruding into my neck. Ah, it was nice to see my buyu again! The message of the warrior ancestors was clear “Are you ready to take it seriously this time?”

Extreme fluctuations in my personal Kriya practice had caused me to endure periods of doubt, delays in practicing and my own ignorance induced traumas. Bruised but not beaten by the incessant sway of ego induced suffering, I understood that I must heal myself with the fixed practice of Kriya Yog and come to know my immovable spirit. Yogiraj’s words hearkened, “Practice and perseverance are the magic of success, and unless you fall in love with your practice you will not know its value.”

The synchronistic timing of my experiences has brought this lesson to light. The essence of Yogiraj’s wisdom and the philosophy of Ninpō are distilled to the same elixir for success. As our master has spoken: “You can never meet God. How can you meet him? You don’t know his whereabouts, you don’t know his address. But God is going to meet you. He is in search of you constantly, and when you are ready he will meet you. Practice will make you ready. Perseverance will make you perfect. So carry these two mantras with you: Practice and Perseverance. Let these two be the goals. Let your whole life revolve around them, and very soon you will be empty. Then God will pour into you.”

These paramount amalgamations so too reverberate within the halls of the Bujin. Hatsumi sensei tells in his book The Way of the Ninja, “I could hear Sensei’s (Toshitsugu Takamatsu) words still echoing in my ears— The true essence of the martial ways lies in virtue, Martial arts are a path for perfecting yourself as a human being. Perfection demands persistence, and there is also a secret teaching in which perfection is mentioned with reference to seven lights, i.e. — the colors of a rainbow.” How fascinating when we consider the goals Yogiraj has transmitted and knowing that he has also made reference to Divya deha, an immaculate body of rainbow colored light free from the ravages of time, for uninterrupted communion with God.

Yogiraj belabors the vital-ness of both Hatha and Raja (Royal) Yog and in Wings to Freedom he resounds: “To neglect the needs of bodily health is to falsify the eternal doctrine of the unity of all and the divinity of all.” During times of agitation when I am unable to sit for meditation, the physical aspect of martial arts training has helped me balance hormonal and psychic energies. Hence, the twin flames of practice and perseverance intertwine along axis of Kriya Yog both in meditation and daily activity, heaving us up through the heavens.

The day after I began writing this essay for the Siddhanath Newsletter, my sensei awarded me the beginner rank of Green Belt in Bujinkan Budo/Ninpo Taijutsu. During this same session the mechanisms of Karma blessed me with a blackened eye. I was happy to have this mitigated and memorable experience, teaching me to always pay attention! In Japan, the word Ninja is written as Shinobi no Mono. This symbolic ideogram consists of kanji (characters) depicting a sword held over the heart. The word Nin is translated as endurance or perseverance. A quote from Masaaki Hatsumi sensei informs (Latin informare: shape in- ‘into’ + forma ‘a form) those of us engaged in Budo to “Breathe life into the weapon, don’t take life away from it. Keep walking, because walking is life.” With the Hamsa breath, given by Yogiraj, over time I begin breathing less and less of me and more and more God. There’s also something about bearing a stainless steel sword over my heart that cures all depression and connects me with source!

Yogiraj directs us to be the architect of our own happiness through the secret science of breath. Thus, as we clash within the mental coliseum of delusion, illusion and error; let us draw forth Shinmyo Ken, the sword of divine mystery. With the sword of concentrated breath, eviscerate the dis-ease of samsara (repetitive history) and shine in the victorious light of the unconquerable soul.

Ronald Paul Wiskup II was born with the Sun in Aries and is the author of  “The Face on Mars is in the Mirror”, an original collection of occult poetry. He enjoys aviation, acting, playing ice hockey and scuba diving. He is a veteran of the United States Air Force and holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the State University of New York at Fredonia.

McCloud Middle Falls Near Mt Shasta

By Sterling Wilson – Southern California Devotee – 2017

McCloud Middle Falls Near Mt Shasta. When we are in nature, standing face to face, it is we who blink first.  Nature holds her gaze.  The energy is too strong for most people- we quickly fall into fiddling with cell phones, talking loudly or drinking beer and building big fires and making lots of noise around them.  We just don’t know what to do with ourselves.  Kriya pranayam and Surya meditation give us a way to connect with nature, something to do there.  This is an ancient lifestyle and it is only the beginning for young America.

The Mc CLoud river becomes Middle Falls as it works its way through the forest below Mt Shasta.  Yogiraj often discusses the coming spiritual civilization that is right now developing on the West Cost of America.  He has said that right now there are more practicing yogis on the west coast of America than in India.  

He teaches that water, especially flowing water greatly benefits meditation.  The Himalayan pilgrimage group makes sure to stop at a mountain waterfall on the journey.  Both the Haridwar and Rishikesh retreats  have time set aside for a dip in the strong flowing, clean, very cold, mountain-pure Ganges.  The prana that is the river current flows through our bodies.  At the Shasta retreat in 2015 he answered a question about eclipses saying that they enhance the meditation and the flowing water  even more so.  A Full Moon lunar eclipse? Go find a river to meditate in…….. or bathtub.

And every year at Middle Falls I see it and recognize it.  Hamsas from the whole West Coast and beyond are there: from Vancouver down to San Diego……and those are just the ones I know…..The scene of scattered Hamsas, some off under the waterfall sitting, others across the water happy to be drying off in the sun.  Valiant yogis to be!  And that water is cold. I can personally attest to sitting under the falls and feeling the energy rise.  The science Yogiraj gives us is true.

A  few tourist families mill about at the Falls as well, with dad taking a dip in the water and the kids looking on. And of course the “beer drinkers” ( a term my mother uses) are there as well- sunburned skin, cigarettes, beer, loud voices and heavy metal soundtrack.

How wonderful that we have something to do there.   “Go sit and do Kriya pryanayam under that waterfall, or stand in the cold river water doing Surya.”  Oh  yes I can do that.


Unique Phenomenon of Awaring Consciousness

The raising of mass consciousness of the people by Yogiraj Siddhanath, to a thought free state of Enlightenment is unprecedented in the spiritual history of the modern age.

Come experience this unique phenomenon as already experienced by tens of thousands of people, of the yesteryears.

Today he travels the world giving United Consciousness Conference (UCCs), bringing the awareness of all seekers to this ineffable mind-dissolving state of total satisfaction; where you feel content beyond all desires and you want nothing more. Where you experience the nostalgia, that this is it; I have reached home!

Sitting in the presence of the Master of masters, this experience of Awaring Consciousness our beloved Master bestows upon us, is by him, called “Shivapat”.